Below is a summary of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees Jan. 14, 2019 meeting intended to provide information about board decisions in a timely manner. It is not the official record. Minutes, the official record of the meeting, are finalized the following month after approval by the board.
A change in Idaho law shifting trustees elections to November of odd numbered years and also changed the annual meeting to January instead of July. Annual meeting actions included:
Caldwell Foundation for Educational Opportunities Outstanding Student Achievement Award — Members of the Caldwell football team comprised of students from Jefferson and Syringa middle school students that went undefeated for two years as 7th and 8th graders
Lincoln Elementary School - Students read an excerpt from Dr. Seuss‘ “0h the places you will go” and gave copies of the book signed by students to trustees for School Board Appreciation month
Teacher Bryan Sullivan shared information about “Operation Make a Difference.” In the project, students wrote more than 1,000 letters and cards to those serving in the military.
Superintendent French shared some highlights from schools including.
She shared the district will build on the science standards based grading pilot in the middle schools and a trustee will be sought to serve on the district committee leading the effort.
The Board approved its consent agenda which included:
Minutes for its Dec. 10, 2018 meeting
Minutes for its Dec. 20, 2018 meeting
Financials - Bills, Budget to Actual, Checklist
Surplus property disposal - Math, Equipment
Memorandum of Understanding Caldwell/Kuna school districts
Youth Forum - Mayor Garret Nancolas updated the board on the Caldwell Youth Master Plan that was adopted by the city and board in 2011. He said the Mayor’s walking challenge was continued this fall and students in Van Buren won $1,000, Wilson $600, and Sacajawea $400. The Mayor encouraged the district to continue to send high school students to a one day Youth Forum at the College of Idaho.
Davis Demographics - The board approved contracting for a demographic study of the district using the mapping and analytic tools available from the company. The report is expected in spring.
Mental health specialist at Canyon Springs and Indian Creek Academy - The board approved allowing the district to pursue with a memorandum of understanding with Terry Reilly Health Systems to offer mental health services at the schools at no cost to the district.
New wide area network (WAN) - The district received eight responses. The board accepted the RFP from WANRack. The cost of the change will be covered by a state grant and federal e-rate funds. The change will greatly increase internet speed for schools. The next step is finalize the contract.
Secondary School Curriculum Audit — The district will be reviewing course offerings, master schedule, etc to ensure that students are prepared well for college and careers. . March
The board approved for second and final reading five policies:
2500 - Library/Media Center Materials
2435 - Advanced Opportunities
4400 - Relations with Law Enforcement and Child Protective Agencies
4410 - Investigations and Arrests by Police
5260 - Abuse and Neglected Child Reporting
The board will hold a workshop with an Idaho School Board Association consultant on Monday, Jan. 28.