As you may know, Mr. Kent Marmon, Caldwell School District Trustee from Zone Five (5), has tendered his resignation from the Board of Trustees. The Caldwell School District wants to thank Mr. Marmon for his service to the children of Caldwell. Mr. Marmon served the board at a transitional period and did so with determination and dedication. As a board member, he supported the District’s goals towards improving student achievement and he remains a loyal advocate for the students of our district. We appreciate his continued support and we are thankful for the opportunity to serve with him.
We do have elections this year for trustees in Zone Five (5) and Zone One (1). These zones are slated for election in May. Any person legally qualified to hold the office of school trustee may file a Declaration of Candidacy for the office. The declaration shall be filed with the clerk of the board of trustees of the Caldwell School District on or before March 17. Elections for trustees in these zones will be held May 16. If you would like more information on these elections, please contact the Caldwell School District Office at 455-3300 or the Canyon County Elections Office 455-5937.